Sep 2, 2013

Fiesta Party Dip and Hot Air Balloons

Saturday morning we were awakened at my house by the sound of hot air balloons floating over our home.

 I grabbed my camera and rushed out to the backyard, looking up just in time to snap this shot. We couldn't believe how low the balloons were flying over the North End after taking off downtown in the park. It felt like we could reach right out and touch them, and they were so beautiful!

These folks were calling out, "Good morning!" to everyone below and planning to land right in the middle our little intersection. At the last moment they called down to their ground crew that there were too many power lines and rose up and away into the sky again. 

That was our excitement for the morning, and Boise State's first football game of the new season was our excitement for the evening. Four of my family members (including me) are loyal BSU Alumni, and we never miss a game.

Fiesta Party Dip is a seven layer dip that's a big hit all year 'round at our house, but especially during football games when the whole family gathers on the huge sectional in front of the TV in our family room.

So I made some Fiesta Dip after the balloons flew off, and let it chill in the fridge until game time. Since I had my camera out already, I remembered to take a photo and thought I'd share the recipe.

I just spread the layers right onto a big stainless steel serving tray, sprinkle the rest of the ingredients evenly over the top, and serve it with tortilla chips. I use the whole can of beans instead of one cup (can't waste it!), and I squeeze most of the seeds out of the tomatoes before I chop them. This colorful festive dip is perfect for informal gatherings like barbecues and pot lucks and makes enough for a big crowd of hungry football fans. I hope you give it a try.

There were no leftovers at my house!
Thanks for coming by to see what's going on at my house. I hope you have a wonderful week! 
I'm sharing my recipe this week with these fun parties!

DIY Showoff
Cozy Little House
Elizabeth & Co. 
 The 36th Avenue
The Charm of Home


  1. It's too bad they couldn't do their "Great Launch" on Sunday AM ~ now THAT would be a sight to see!!!
    I'm so glad I got to go up with them (for my birthday!) in 2011!

    And of course, boo-hoo about the game... wait till next week!

  2. What a pretty sight!

    Not much of a game person but I AM all about that dip! Looks so good, Lauren!

  3. What a fantastic sight to see first thing in the morning! Thanks for sharing the photo and I am loving this dip-it would be a hit in our home too!
    Warm Hugs,

  4. What a fun sight to see. I went hot air ballooning in Taos many years ago and loved it.

  5. Oh yum, that is my kind of dip! And those hot air balloons are just beautiful, but I think I'll keep my feet on the ground!

  6. Hey, Laurel! What a cool sight to wake up to with the hot air balloon. Your dip sounds delicious!! I love everything in it. The big UofM season has started here for us. Maybe I will make this for the big game on Saturday! Love, Jamie

  7. We used to see the balloons drifting over our home a few years back and it was amazing! I loved them and looked forward to the calm Saturday mornings. But they must have changed their route, we haven't seen them in quite a while.
    Your dip looks scrumptious (but I would leave out the beans...not fussy on them) and a different twist from the normal layered dip. I have to pin this and try it soon.
    Debbie :)

  8. That looks so delicious! And your pictures of the hot air balloons are wonderful!

    Happy day to you!

  9. Wow that must have been quite a sight! The party dip looks yummy!

  10. Looks great this recipe. What is the base layer? Hard to tell in the pic. Thank you


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