Sep 8, 2014

Late Summer Vignette

I've been busily painting a couple of pieces of furniture before turning my efforts towards decorating our home for fall. I've been so inspired by the gorgeous autumn displays I'm seeing on all my favorite blogs, but I feel a compulsion to finish the hard work before doing the fun stuff around here. 

The furniture I'm painting will hopefully be the last of my big projects this year, then I'm excited to turn my efforts towards smaller seasonal craft projects and for just enjoying the heck out of all the upcoming holidays in our new home. We don't really have a new home, of course, but having our new master suite completed last month, and our new kitchen completed late last year, it's all still feeling like a brand new home to us. 

I'm appallingly backed-up on responding to all of your heartwarming comments, especially on our new master bedroom and bathroom posts. Your friendship, enthusiasm, and support make blogging such a wonderful undertaking, and I appreciate all of you so much. Please know I haven't forgotten you, I'm just really late!

I wanted to take a few quick minutes to share this dining room table vignette before summer slips away completely. I have a weird obsessive love of chicken wire, so when I saw this chicken wire cloche offered on Antique Farm House, I snapped it right up.

 I can think of dozens of ways to use it for every season. For late summer, I placed it over an old iron tray atop a huge wood Lazy Susan with some faux artichokes. I don't know what it is about artichokes, but I just love them, both for decorating and eating! 

Well, it's back to painting for me now. I have two coats left to paint today on our dresser, then some distressing and waxing for tomorrow. I can't wait to show you!

Thanks for coming by today, and I hope you have a really great week!

Let's party this week at


  1. I love your description "weird obsessive love of chicken wire" ~ but I don't think it is weird at all! Like you, I can see using this all year round, and it seems the perfect size ~

  2. I know just how you feel, Laurel! I'm so behind in responding to comments, because I've been having nothing but trouble and more trouble with my computer. I leave a comment on somebody's blog and poof! It's gone! arg I'm sure you're still getting your house back in order after all the work you've done. I was trying to quickly finish up staining 2 new windows today and I DROPPED the pint of dark walnut oil stain in the bedroom. I didn't have time to cry because the stain was soaking into our wood floors, newly painted walls and trim....everything, me included!!!!! Long story short, 2 plus hours of cleaning everything with mineral spirits and the only permanent damage is to the bedding. I can't believe it all came out! So, make sure you're using a drop cloth when you're working on your paint projects. :)

    I can't wait to see what you're up to!

  3. I forgot to say that I love your chicken wire cloche centerpiece!

  4. I love the cloche!! It really works well with the artichokes.

    Happy Monday!

  5. Oh my, I just love that cloche! It suits your farmhouse style perfectly!

  6. Haha, I guess I am weirdly obsessed with chicken wire too...or is it chickens? Lol. Love your cloche. I can't wait to see the dresser all done. I'm hoping I can talk my husband into tackling our bathroom soon. Wish me luck!

  7. That cloche can be used in so many ways - I can't wait to see what you do for Christmas with it.

  8. Hi Laurel, love the cloche with the artichokes. I am sure you will find many wonderful ways to decorate with it. Have fun finishing the project and look forward to see it.

  9. Love your cloche! Gorgeous pictures, Laurel! Big hug, Maria

  10. Thinking of chicken wire but not a cloche. Well done. Thanks for sharing such an inspirational post.
    Greetings from South Africa

  11. Chicken wire and artichokes - a great marriage!

  12. I loved those cloche. Beautiful pics.
    aqua tai chi

  13. Hi Laurel, I love the new cloche! I made a couple of handmade ones out of chicken wire and I love using them as well. So versatile and perfect for adding more interest. Best of luck with your painting. I hear ya about responding. I am playing catch up this week. Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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