Jun 27, 2012

From Plain to Patriotic - Quick and Easy Pillows for The 4th of July

I'm decorating my porch and deck for the 4th of July for the first time this year. As much as I'd love to make some beautiful new Independence Day pillows, I'm just running out of time for new fabric-shopping and sewing. Instead, I decided to embellish my current pillows quickly and easily using supplies I already had on-hand.  

I traced and cut out some felt stars, attaching just the tips to the pillows with two stitches of thread and my tiniest quilting needle (so the holes won't show when 
I remove the stars later.) 

Each pillow took less than five minutes. 

If I can find some blue felt in time, 
I'll add blue stars, too. 

 I'm so glad you stopped by today. 
I hope you'll come again this weekend when 
I'll be sharing the rest of my 
4th of July Front Porch and Deck. 

Have a great day! 

You may also like
Favorite DIY's for The 4th of July
My Front Porch
Front Porch Pillows

I'm linking up with these fabulous link parties. 
Please join me!


  1. Laurel,

    Aren't you so very clever! I love this idea ...

    And thank you so very much for linking up at Pillowpalooza my bloggy friend!



  2. I love how your pillow turned out! I really like that you can just remove the patriotic theme when you want. ~ Jamie

  3. This is such a sweet (and easy!) idea for the holidays! Plus, felt is just the best!

    Thanks for stopping by Match Made on Hudson -- I'm sure I'll be back in often to see what else you're up to this summer :)

    Charlie @ Match Made On Hudson

  4. Your pillows look great on the porch Laurel! They really say welcome and show how patriotic you are too. I love that you can change the pillows up for any time of year too! Looking forward to your weekend post and thanks for linking up at my Patriotic Link Party!

  5. This piilow so great! I love it. All the pillows make everything feel so wlcoming and say come over for some iced tea.


  6. So quick and cute! Love this idea! Now... if only a maple leaf was as quick to cut out as a star... :D

  7. Love this cute pillow and have featured it today at my blog...hop over and grab my starfish featured button for your blog and thanks for sharing at NTT.


  8. I love these pillows!

  9. So cute. Simple and festive! I hope you'll add this to my Patriotic Project Parade. I would love to see them there.


  10. So cute and festive! I love the 4th of July!

    Thank you for sharing your creativity at Potpourri Friday!

  11. I knew you would come up with a fantastic idea for July 4th and you did. Love the pillow. Simple but classic!


  12. These are darling! I have been making lots of pillows lately, but not for the 4th (yet).

  13. So sweet and patriotic! Thanks for linking up!

  14. Pretty and easy - perfect! Happy 4th! Looks like you are definitely ready!


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