Mar 13, 2012

Shabby Chic(k) Egg #1

Spring hasn't quite come to stay here yet in Idaho, but I can feel it just around the corner. So I've been inspired to start some Spring decorating, and my first project is this little rustic egg.

I was pinspired by this picture of eggs that I had pinned on my Pinterest Easter Board. Aren't they sweet?


 Here's how I made it:

Working on one half of each plastic egg at a time, and letting it dry between steps, I painted each one white, glued on squares and strips of book print all around using Mod Podge, and then coated everything with a final coat of matte decoupage.

 Then I tied some twine around the egg and glued on a little nest made from a rolled-up strip of burlap. Inside the nest are little knots of twine. 

I placed some moss in a thrift store wine glass and nestled the egg on top. 

A pretty reminder, as I look down from my loft onto my winter yard, that Spring is on it's way!

 Note: This has been one of those projects where the more you do it, the faster you get. 
The first egg took me quite awhile, but after I got the hang of layering the pieces 
of paper, it started going pretty fast. I found that the second through sixth eggs 
combined took me about the same amount of time as the first one alone. I guess 
like most things, practice makes perfect with decoupaging.

The cost of this project for me was:

Plastic eggs at Rite Aid - six for $1.49, five left over
White craft paint at Jo-Ann - $1.29, most of bottle left over
Mod Podge at Jo-Ann with 40% off coupon - $3.00 most of bottle left over (sign up for coupons at the store or
Book - An old paperback not worth reading again
Twine - 75 cents at the thrift store
Burlap - leftover from another project
Moss - leftover from another project
Wine Glass - 75 cents at the thrift store

If you haven't checked out Pinterest before, head on over there and request an invitation.  I can almost guarantee that you'll LOVE it!

You can check out my pins HERE.  

You may also like this
Shabby Chic(k) Decoupage Egg #2. 
You can find it HERE

and the Decoupage Eggxtravaganza.
Find it HERE

The hosts of the Pinterest Challenge are: 

I'm also linking up with:


  1. What a clever idea! Just loving it. So much better than dieing real eggs!



  2. What a fun project! I love your tip of just decoupaging half of the egg at a time, to allow for drying. It turned out so cute, now I want to make some:) Oh, and I adore your cute little cabinet with the scissors on the doors!!

  3. So pretty! Love the little burlap flower!

    evie @ brown paper packages

  4. You did an absolutely beautiful job. I love your version even better. I found you via French Country Cottage. I am your latest follower. I hope you will stop by.

  5. Absolutely love your egg! and the egg cup, too.

  6. very cute. thanks for how to's.

    barbara jean

  7. These seriously look like they should be in a Pottery Barn catalog. Great job, and thanks for linking up with the Winter Pinterest Challenge!

    Erin @ The Great Indoors


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