Mar 31, 2012

Open windows!

Spring has finally arrived to my loft today, and I've thrown open the windows to my new studio for the first time. Sunshine is pooling on my work table, a soft breeze is rustling my papers, and there's a bright blue sky spread out above the new grass below.

Life is good!


  1. It's so refreshing to let all that in!!!

  2. Good morning Laurel,
    Still on vacation and returning email is spotty but commenting is easier so here I am. George likes your referrance to the WIZARD of WOOD. As for the Friday feature, I'd be honoured.
    Also when I do publish a post it is sent out to subscribers within 2 hours so not sure why you are getting some a day later or not at all. I do thank you for letting me know there is some issue but unsure why it is happening. Till next time,
    Kristy @ 4 the love of WOOD


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